May 2013 Trip

About the Project

Researchers from the International Quilt Study Center & Museum traveled to China May 8-20, 2013, to conduct research and field work on northwestern Chinese patchwork traditions. They will also partner with  Xi'an Jiaotong University in Xi'an, China, to present a series of lectures on American folk art, specifically patchwork and quilting.

The IQSCM has for several years supported research on patchwork and quilting in South Asia and Central Asia and has made a concerted effort to build its collections in these areas, which now are unsurpassed. One geographic area with comparatively less quilting/patchwork research is China. This research expanded our knowledge of East Asian quilts and patchwork and added to our knowledge of Asian traditions.

This project was made possible by support from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's CEHS International Seed Grant and the University of Nebraska's American Exchange Center.

Team Members

Patricia Crews
Dr. Crews is the Willa Cather Professor of textiles and director of the International Quilt Study Center & Museum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Crews graduated with honors from Virginia Tech. She holds a Master’s degree in textile science from Florida State University and a Ph.D. from Kansas State University in textiles with a minor in American history. In 2007, she participated in the prestigious professional development program, the Museum Leadership Institute, which is part of the Getty Foundation’s Getty Leadership Institute.

Marin Hanson
Marin is the curator of exhibitions at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum. She holds undergraduate degrees from Grinnell College and Northern Illinois University and earned her MA in museum studies and textile history with a quilt studies emphasis from UNL. She is currently pursuing doctoral research on cross-cultural quiltmaking practices, with particular emphasis on China and the United States.

Cindy DeLong
Cindy is working on a master's degree in textile history with an emphasis in quilt studies at UNL. She has a bachelor of sciences in home economics (clothing and textiles) and journalism from the University of Missouri. She has worked at the New England Quilt Museum as a curatorial intern and the International Quilt Study Center & Museum as a collections intern.

Amanda Lensch
Amanda is working on a master’s in textile history with an emphasis in quilt studies at UNL. She has a bachelor’s degree in apparel merchandising, design and production with an emphasis in museum studies and a minor in entrepreneurial studies from Iowa State University. She is a graduate assistant working in collections at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum and previously interned at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Ky., and Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.


The International Quilt Study Center & Museum holds the world's largest collection of publicly owned quilts with more than 3,500 in its collection. Located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus, IQSCM makes its academic home in the Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design in the College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS).